
Our Lady of the Angels Regional Fraternity is a union of the Secular Franciscan fraternities, reflecting a rich diversity of ethnic heritage, located in Manhattan, Staten Island, Yonkers,
and Mt. Vernon in New York State, and those in Central and Northern New Jersey.
We seek to build community among fraternity members, along with the entire Franciscan family, in our home and work situations, in our service to the Roman Catholic Church, and in the public arena.
We strive to promote a life of prayer and simplicity, peace and justice, and respect for all creation. Members pledge themselves "through their baptism and profession to proclaim the 'good news'
by their life and words," going from "gospel to life and life to gospel."
With the help of Our Lady of the Angels, our titular patroness, we promote our member fraternities by providing direction and resources for their understanding of our Rule,
our Constitutions, our National Statutes, and our Regional Guidelines.
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